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Can You Freeze Honey?

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By Ross Young

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Honey is one of nature’s greatest gifts. It’s an all-natural sweetener packed with goodness and flavour. There’s a reason it’s called liquid gold, after all! But perhaps you’ve been gifted multiple jars and don’t know what to do with them.

Can You Freeze Honey?

No, unfortunately, honey does not freeze. Although it is safe to place honey in the freezer, it won’t actually become solid and you’re unlikely to extend its shelf life which is already extensive. Instead, keep it in a dark, cool cupboard.

Does Honey Freeze Well? No

Can You Refreeze Honey? No

Honey does not freeze. If you have pure, unfiltered honey, you’ll have zero chance of freezing it.

Even if you place it in a freezer at -20c (roughly the lowest temperature you’ll get from your home freezer), all you’ll do is make it slightly thicker. It won’t completely freeze, however.

What Happens If You Freeze Honey?

Well… Not a lot! If you pop a jar of honey into the freezer and then look to see what has happened, you may find it has thickened up slightly but it won’t have changed much from when you put it in the freezer.

Does Honey Freeze Well?

It doesn’t freeze at all.

There’s simply no way to get it to freeze completely. Once placed into the freezer, there is a chance it will thicken up.

In fact, some parts of the honey will freeze solid. However, when you tilt the jar, you’ll still have some movement, and the honey will flow very slowly. 

Remember that honey will be stored safely in the cupboard if it is kept away from major temperature changes and bright lights. In fact, honey is the only natural food that won’t go off! 

Does Honey Go Off?

Honey is one of the only products in the world that doesn’t go off. This is the main reason why its inability to freeze is irrelevant.

Honey can sit in your cupboard for months and years, and the flavour won’t be affected, and it’ll remain perfectly safe to eat.

Should You Put Honey in the Fridge?

No! In fact, putting honey in the fridge can play havoc with the texture. Instead, secure a tight-fitting lid to the jar and leave it in the cupboard.

Don’t Throw Out Crystallised Honey

Even if honey has crystallised, it doesn’t need to be thrown out! I pop it into a pan then add around an inch of water before warming it over low heat. The honey will loosen up and it’ll be fixed almost instantly!


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