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Can You Freeze Croissants?

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By Ross Young

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Buttery, flaky croissants are delicious! But they go dry and stale the day after you’ve bought (or made) them. So, is there a better way to store them?

Can You Freeze Croissants?

Yes, you can freeze croissants for up to 2 months. Costco croissants too! To freeze croissants, place them onto a baking tray and into the freezer for a few hours to freeze. Once frozen, transfer them to a bag and freeze.

Do Croissants Freeze Well? Not Particularly

Can You Refreeze Croissants? No

Looking for a full list of Thanksgiving foods you can freeze? Here it is!

How to Freeze Croissants

Croissants by Freeze It

Although you could just toss croissants into the freezer (and hope for the best), here is my preferred method for freezing croissants:

  1. Place on a Tray
    Spread the croissants out on a lined baking tray, ensuring none touch one another.
  2. Flash Freeze
    Put the tray into the freezer for several hours to flash-freeze the croissants. This will prevent them from sticking together and will make it far easier to grab one croissant at a time. 
  3. Bag Up
    Place the frozen croissants into a bag and label them with the contents. This is especially important if you have frozen different croissant types such as chocolate or almond. 
  4. Seal
    Carefully seal the bag up, pushing out as much air as possible. This will prevent the croissants from going soft and save you some room.
  5. Freeze
    Finally, place the bag in the freezer. 

How to Freeze Different Forms of Croissants

The word croissant covers quite a broad range of products whether they’re from different shops or with different fillings. But can they all be frozen?

Costco Croissants

Freezing croissants from Costco or any other store is perfectly doable. The key aspects of this process involve properly cooling the croissants if they’re warm, securely wrapping them to protect against freezer burn, and storing them correctly.

You’ll need to defrost the croissants when you want to enjoy them. This is ideally done at room temperature, though a short burst in the oven or microwave can speed up the process.

However, it’s important to note that freezing and defrosting can slightly alter the texture of the croissants, whether they’re from Costco or somewhere else.

Bakery Croissants

The method of freezing bakery croissants is much the same as for Costco croissants, with cooling, wrapping, and storage being the primary steps.

Often, when you buy them from the bakery, they will still be a little warm. It’s vital that you give him ample time to cool down fully. Putting warm food in the freezer will result in that item becoming soggy but you also risk slightly thawing other foods around it.

Almond Croissants

Like plain croissants, almond croissants need to be cooled down if they’re fresh from the oven.

The almond croissants should be individually wrapped to protect them from sticking together or frozen on a baking sheet beforehand.

To enjoy the frozen croissants, defrost them at room temperature or use the oven or microwave for a quicker option. Be aware that, as with plain croissants, the texture might be slightly less crisp and flaky than when fresh.

Add Sliced Almonds

I love to add a sprinkle of sliced almonds on top just before putting them in the oven. Not only will this refresh the almond flavour, but it will also add a bit of extra crunch that might have been lost in the freezing process.

How Long Can You Freeze Croissants?

You can freeze croissants for as long as you like, and they’ll still be safe to eat. However, croissants will lose their flavour and texture if you leave them in there for too long.

They are, therefore, at their best for between 1 and 2 months. After that, they might taste a little stale.

How Do You Defrost Croissants?

The best way to defrost croissants is to leave them in the fridge overnight. If you’re in a rush, you can leave them out on the worktop but only do this if you freeze them on the day you bought them.

If you thaw croissants too fast, you can dramatically alter their texture.

It pays to be prepared, so if you know you want a croissant for breakfast, then make sure you put one in the fridge for the following day. But, is it possible to speed up the process at all? Yes, it is! Here are a few other options:

In the Microwave

Defrosting croissants in the microwave is quick and convenient. Remove the croissant from its wrapping and place it on a microwave-safe plate. Use the defrost setting (or 50% power) to gently thaw the croissant.

Start with 15-20 seconds, then check the croissant.

If it’s still frozen in the middle, continue defrosting in short increments to avoid overheating. Once defrosted, you can reheat the croissant on full power for about 10 seconds to restore some of its warmth if desired.

Be warned! The microwave method tends to make croissants a bit softer and chewier.

In the Oven

Defrosting croissants in the oven takes a bit longer but can produce better results in terms of texture so it’s up to you which method you opt for.

Preheat your oven to around 350°F / 175°C. Remove the croissant from its packaging and place it on a baking sheet. To defrost and warm the croissant, leave it in the oven for between 5 and 10 minutes, checking regularly to ensure it doesn’t overheat.

The oven is great for recreating the crisp and flaky crust of the original pastry. By reheating your croissant in the oven, you’re giving it a second bake.

Spritz With Water

Consider lightly spritzing the defrosted croissants with a little water before reheating them in the oven. This can help bring back some of the original crispness and flakiness of the croissants’ crust. Just be careful not to overdo it; you don’t want them to become soggy.

Can You Refreeze Croissants?

Refreezing croissants can ruin their flaky texture, which is why I would advise against it. Generally, it will remain safe to do, but the eating of the croissant will be less enjoyable if you do so.

Do Croissants Freeze Well?

Not particularly.

Fresh croissants are magical. And, for most people (99%), fresh is the better option. Eating croissants the day you buy them allows you to enjoy their unique and delightful texture. You’re never going to match the buttery texture of a fresh croissant.


To get around that texture degradation, smother it in a jam or dip it into your coffee, as the French do….you’ll enjoy it nonetheless!

The problem is that not many of us have the luxury of going to a bakery to buy fresh croissants daily, so having a store in the freezer can be a huge time saver.


Can You Freeze Croissant Dough?

To freeze croissant dough, wrap it in a layer of cling film followed by a layer of foil to prevent freezer burn. Please place it in the freezer. When you want to use it, remove it from the freezer and thaw it fully overnight in the fridge.

What Is the Best Way to Freeze Croissants?

Croissants can be frozen in the dough stage, unbaked and baked, all of which are great ways to freeze them. The best way to freeze them is unbaked so that you can effectively freshly bake them in the future.

How Long do Croissants Last in the Fridge?

Croissants typically last for about 2 to 3 days when stored in the refrigerator. After that, they may become stale or lose their freshness.


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